Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day

Posted by Kelsey Johnson on 15th Oct 2020

Each year on October 15, Global Handwashing Day is observed to highlight the importance of handwashing. It serves as a yearly reminder that hand washing is one of the best steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. This observance was established by the Global Handwashing Partnership in 2008, the observance aims to increase awareness and knowledge of the benefits of hand washing.

Many germs are spread by touching things with our hands. That is why handwashing is so important, especially after using the bathroom, when preparing food, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. Handwashing with soap is not only simple and inexpensive, but it can also dramatically reduces the spread of gems. Teaching people about the fundamentals of handwashing keeps our communities healthy.

The 2020 Global Hand washing Day theme is “Hand Hygiene for All.” This year’s theme follows the recent global initiative calling on all of society to scale up hand hygiene, especially through hand washing with soap. This year’s theme reminds us that we must work towards everyone being able to access clean water and soap. It also reminds us that we all need to practice thorough hand washing with soap now in order to have a healthy future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a strong reminder that one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of a virus is also one of the simplest: hand hygiene. Make handwashing a priority and prevent the spread of this virus.  No matter who you are, you can participate during Global Handwashing Day! 

Check out these blogs for some easy tips to stay safe and healthly! - Social distancinghow to keep our houses germ free and 5 Steps To Wash Your Hands The Right Way. Happy Handwashing!