Is Your Diaper Bag Packed and Ready?

Is Your Diaper Bag Packed and Ready?

Posted by Kelsey Johnson on 5th Dec 2022

Hey there mamas! We know you are very busy. Even before baby is born, there is so much to do! Once your bundle of joy has arrived, things get real, real fast! Preparation is key to success.

One thing to prepare is your diaper bag. It can be easy to over pack your bag. I found that out with my first kiddo. It was really difficult to find what I needed when I needed it. This can be extremely frustrating when you have a crying baby, puke all over your shirt and you can’t seem to find the burp cloth or wipes.

Another issue I came across with my first baby was how heavy my diaper bag was. This can really take a toll on your body because you don’t only have to carry your bag, but you also have your baby and their car seat!

What can be done about these common issues? As mentioned above, preparation is key! Decide what you really need, then pack your bag in a way that you will easily remember. I now am a mother of three and would like to share what items were necessary to me. Please keep in mind you can adjust this list in any way you want.

My diaper bag must haves:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Travel size lotion
  • Baby wipes
  • Diapers
  • Burp cloth
  • Nursing cover
  • Extra pair of baby clothes
  • Zinc balm
  • Cheek stick
  • Nursing pads
  • Chapstick

Why are all of these necessities in my opinion? I will list each item and explain why they are on my list.

Hand sanitizer: Germs are so much scarier when you have a tiny baby. We get a lot more aware and concerned about keeping our hands clean. Hand sanitizer is an easy and convenient way to ease your mind when washing your hands with soap and water are not available. Plus, our hand sanitizer can clean frequently touched surfaces like grocery carts and door handles. Another nice feature of our hand sanitizer is that it contains coconut oil so it actually moisturizes your hands as well as sanitizes them.

Travel size lotion: Moms wash their hands a lot! Our hands can get dry from frequent washing. Weather plays a major toll on our skin as well so it is nice to have lotion on hand. Babies skin goes through a lot of changes. Their skin is trying to adjust to the outside world and this can lead to dry skin. Having a gentle lotion on hand can be very handy. We highly suggest our Safflower Safari Calming Hydrating Baby Lotion. It is specifically designed for babies sensitive skin. I have two kiddos who had sensitive skin, one especially sensitive, and this lotion worked great for them!

Baby wipes: These are a given. These are normally every moms best friend. They are a necessity for changing diapers, but they work great for cleaning messes as well.

Diapers: Of course every mom knows they need diapers, but you would be surprised how easy it is to forget them at times. When you are sleep deprived and in a hurry it’s easy to do. So before you leave your house check your diaper bag and make sure you have plenty of diapers. You can even keep some in your car.

Burp cloth: I needed these for a few different reasons. Of course for spit up after feedings but also for during feedings. My third baby was especially messy while nursing so I would keep a burp cloth under her to help keep milk off of my clothes.

Nursing cover: Babies like to feed at the most inconvenient times. A lot of public places don’t have a private area for moms to nurse. Having a nursing cover with you at all times makes it much easier to nurse while at restaurants, shopping or any other public place.

Extra pair of baby clothes: Babies are very explosive at times. I’m not talking about their temper. This creates a challenge when you are not at home. Having an extra pair of clothes is very helpful when this happens so they can be clean and warm and you won’t have to rush home. I personally liked having an extra sleeper because it is only one piece of clothing. Another useful tip I found was to keep the extra pair of clothing in a zip lock bag so you have something to put the dirty clothes in.

Zinc balm: This is a staple for any mom. Zinc balm is great for baby booties. If your little one gets diaper rash this will help clear it up. I absolutely love this stuff, it worked amazing for all of my kiddos.

Cheek stick: I like this product because as I mentioned above one of my kiddos had skin problems. He had bad baby eczema. This made his skin really dry at times. The cheek stick is made with cocoa butter and is in a small and convenient tube.

Nursing pads: It is so embarrassing when you’re going about your day and you look down and your breasts are soaking through your shirt. To hopefully avoid this awkward situation it is helpful to keep extra nursing pads on you.

Chapstick: Chapstick is like pens, you can never find one when you need one. What's the solution? Have multiple chapsticks! Have a couple in your diaper bag and even a couple in your car.

Moms are amazing and juggle so much, that is why it is helpful to find useful lists to simplify things. It is also helpful to know where to get safe and effective product for ourselves and our little ones. We got you and your baby covered!

You can check out our baby products, we even have a convenient Diaper Bag And Travel Must-Have set. You can be assured that our baby products are made with ingredients that are safe, even for sensitive skin. Follow our social media platforms- Facebook, Instagram,Pinterest.